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13 de febrero – día sin cole: Taller de inglés

13 de febrero – día sin cole: Taller de inglés

carnaval - 13 de febrero – día sin cole: Taller de inglés
  • 9.30 -9.50 Welcoming and face painting.
    Put on your favourite costume and come to CES Educa! We will welcome you with the biggest of our smiles and then we’ll put you on makeup to become an animal, a butterfly or whatever you are able to imagine.
  • 9.50-11.15 Let’s be princesses. Let’s be heroes
    You will make your own superhero or princess cape, plus a wand and a mask.
  • 11.15-11.45 Breakfast time!
    Carnival and Valentine’s inspired breakfast that you’ll prepare. Yummy!
  • 11.45-12.30 Valentine’s day presents
    Show you love them! You’ll make gorgeous valentine’s cards and many other surprises.
  • 12.30-13.30 Movie
    Watching a movie to finish this great day!
  • 13.30 The end
    This workshop is over but we’ll see you soon.

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